
Returns information about a specific block.

Request Payload{blockParameter} - A integer block number, or the string 'latest', 'earliest', or 'pending'. {showTxnDetailsFlag} - True for full txn objects, and false for only hashes.

Result Fields{block} - A block object, or null when no block was found.

{number} - The block number, or null if the block is pending.

{hash} - The block hash, or null if the block is pending. {parentHash} - Hash of the parent block.

{nonce} - Hash of the generated PoW, or null when the block is pending.

{sha3Uncles} - SHA3 of uncles' data in the block.

{logsBloom} - Bloom filter for the logs, or null when the block is pending.

{txnsRoot} - Root of the txn trie of the block. {stateRoot} - Root of the final state trie of the block.

{receiptsRoot} - Root of the receipts trie of the block.

{miner} - Beneficiary of the mining rewards.

{difficulty} - Integer of difficulty of the block. {totalDifficulty} - Integer of the total difficulty of the chain until this block.

{extraData} - Extra data field of the block. Usually the validator's nickname.

{size} - Size of the block in bytes.

{gasLimit} - Maximum gas allowed in this block.

{timestamp} - The unix timestamp for when the block was collated. {txns} - Array of transaction objetcs.

{uncles} - Array of uncle hashes.

Last updated