
Returns the transaction receipt of a specific transaction hash. Note that this isn't available for any transactions that hasn't been confirmed yet.

Request Payload{txnHash} - Transaction hash.

Result Fields{txnReceipt} - Transaction receipt object, or null when no receipt was found.

{txnHash} - Hash of the transaction.

{txnIndex} - Integer of the transactions index position in the block. {blockHash} - Hash of the block where the transaction was placed. {blockNumber} - Number of the block where the transaction was placed.

{from} - Address of the sender.

{to} - Address of the receiver.

{cumulativeGasUsed} - Total amount of gas used by the block.

{gasUsed} - Amount of gas used by the specific transaction.

{contractAddress} - The contract address created, or null if no new contract was created.

{logs} - Array of log objects.

{logsBloom} - Bloom filter for light clients.

{status} - Boolean for success or failure.

Last updated